Understanding and Awareness


Life after the pandemic

I was on my way to work when I got a from my manager telling me shift is canceled and no idea when we were going to open back again. At first I thought ok I want the down time. After a week or so that’s when it hit me because you couldn’t leave the house, the government shut down everything, second week that’s when I started to feel it, no job no money but the bills didn’t stop coming, I thought I wasn’t going to work for a while because film production stopped as well but thank God it didn’t stop for long because I went from not knowing how I’m going to pay rent to being the most busiest I’ve ever been. That’s when I realized when one door closes another will always open. You just have to focus and make sure you always feed your mind with positive thoughts because I know not a lot of people are fortunate like me, where they have their health and can work, a lot of people never recovered from it, a lot of people lost their loved ones to covid. I don’t know if everything happens for reason but I learned valuable lessons from it and I’m grateful. Even when it’s dark at night the sun reflects on the moon to give you light.

Yours truly

Abiel Micheal

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