Understanding and Awareness


LOCKDOWN CHRONICLES - Natalie “Rare” Chattargoon

Life was good and then it wasn’t. The world did a flip upside-down and I lost all hope in my soul. I had dreams, goals and aspirations going for me even though my story never started like that. It was devastating to feel like you’ve almost lost everything I’ve worked for up until this point. What can I still do I asked myself.

The thought came into my mind. This is just a bad moment not a bad life and that there could be alternative opportunities out there. I was sitting in my bed one day with wandering eyes thinking about stressful situations when I got a notification from a friend influencing me to look into a Black Arts Grant. I’ve never applied for one before and decided to take the leap of faith. The theme was Black Excellence. I had a flash back from when I was a kid and didn’t have role models just people I didn’t want to be like. It was the change I needed in my journey. Mostly, the shift in my mindset that I needed to get back on track.

I started to re-imagine all the doors opening again, I even took a break from College studying social service work because online school didn’t feel right for me. I wanted the campus experience. So in the meanwhile I got to really dive into my field with the frontline experience. Over time, I was able to get a position as a Community Support Worker. It was a blessing in disguise. What a rollercoaster ride of adventures that led me closer to purpose.

With all that being said, I’ll leave it at --- When you get knocked down, always get back up. You are the leader in your life and only you can walk in your shoes. YOU GOT THE POWER.


- Rare

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